Reduce the Cost of Air Conditioning Repair by Troubleshooting the Problem Yourself

Air Conditioning Repair Henderson NV can be a major expense. Fortunately, you can reduce the cost by troubleshooting the problem yourself.


If your AC is making strange noises, smells or is blowing weak air, start by examining the cabin air filter, fan motor and ductwork. Unpleasant odors could indicate mold or bacterial growth.

Coolant is vital for the operation of your air conditioning system. A coolant leak can cause your AC to stop cooling, and you may also experience frost build-up on the evaporator coils. Recharging your air conditioner with refrigerant will help temporarily fix these problems, but it will not solve the underlying problem and may lead to further damage. The best way to resolve a coolant leak is to have your technician perform a full leak search.

Coolants are a mixture of water and antifreeze, which helps prevent the metal parts in your car from overheating. A leaky radiator is the most common source of coolant leaks, but you can also have a leak in one of the many hoses that connect your radiator to other parts of your engine. Hoses and hose connections are often made from rubber, which can deteriorate over time. If you notice a leaking hose, it’s important to have it replaced immediately.

Another common sign of a coolant leak is a spike in the temperature gauge on your dashboard. If your vehicle overheats, it can cause serious and costly engine damage. Pull over immediately if you notice the needle moving rapidly upward on the gauge. You should also check under the hood for steam or puddles of coolant. Coolant has a sweet smell and feels slimy and sticky when touched.

Inspecting your hoses and connections is a simple task that can help you avoid expensive auto repairs. Leaks often occur where hoses meet or attach to other components, so look for signs of cracking or deterioration. Keeping up with your regular maintenance schedule can also prevent these problems.

If your air conditioning unit is old and uses the outdated R-22 refrigerant, it’s a good idea to get a replacement rather than repair it. Newer units are more efficient, and the cost of replacing your air conditioning system will be less than paying for costly coolant repairs down the road.

Some cooling leaks are easy to fix, such as a cracked rubber hose or loose hose connection. However, other leaks require a professional’s touch. Attempting to make your own repairs can damage your air conditioner, void your warranty, and possibly create safety hazards for you and others.

Dirty air filters

The air filter is the AC unit’s primary defense against pollutants and contaminants that can damage its internal components. However, as time goes by, the filter can get clogged with dust and other debris, and it will no longer be able to do its job. This can lead to a wide range of problems, from an ineffective home environment to the need for expensive air conditioning repair.

A clogged filter will allow allergens, such as pollen, mold spores, dander, and germs to build up in your ductwork. They will be recirculated throughout your home each time the AC runs, which can lead to symptoms like itchy eyes and nose.

Dirty filters can also lead to higher energy bills because the system must work harder to keep your home cool. Changing your filter regularly can help reduce power consumption and prevent the need for costly repairs in the future.

Changing your filter is a simple task that can make a huge difference in how your AC works and the indoor quality of your home. By taking a few minutes each month to check and replace the filter, you can save money on utility bills, extend your system’s lifespan, and maintain a healthy home environment for yourself and your family.

One of the most common signs that your air filter needs to be replaced is visible dust around the vents. You can test this by hanging a white sheet a few inches away from the vents. If the sheet turns gray, it’s a sign that the filter is dirty and needs to be replaced right away.

A dirty filter forces your HVAC system to work overtime, which can shorten its lifespan and cause unnecessary wear and tear on system parts. It can also lead to overheating, which can be a dangerous and expensive problem. Changing your air filter is a cheap and easy maintenance task that can protect you from these issues. It’s well worth the little bit of effort it takes to do so!

Dirty evaporator coils

The evaporator coil in your AC system helps the refrigerant cycle through to absorb heat from your home. This is one of the most important parts of your air conditioner and needs to be kept clean at all times. If it becomes dirty, it can cause a variety of problems that affect how well your AC works.

The first sign that your evaporator coil is getting dirty is reduced cooling performance. This is because the accumulated dirt and debris on the coil reduces the surface area available for heat transfer. As a result, your AC has to work harder to cool your home and may end up using more energy than it should.

Another sign that the evaporator coil is dirty is a buildup of condensation on it. This isn’t a good thing as it can block the flow of the refrigerant and eventually lead to your system freezing up. This is a serious problem and should be addressed immediately by turning off your system and calling an emergency HVAC technician.

Other signs that the evaporator coil is dirty include an unusually high indoor humidity level and your AC blowing warm or hot air. This is because the evaporator coil’s job is to remove heat and moisture from your indoor air. When it’s dirty, it can’t do this effectively and your home will feel less cool than usual.

You can help prevent your evaporator coil from becoming dirty by changing the air filters on a regular basis and getting it professionally cleaned on an annual basis. A professional will be able to use specialized cleaning techniques and products to safely and effectively clean the coil without damaging it.

Keeping the evaporator coil in your air conditioning unit clean is essential to maintaining the efficiency of your AC and avoiding expensive repairs in the future. The evaporator coil is located inside your air conditioner near the air handler while the condenser coil is found in the outdoor unit. If you’re unsure where the evaporator coil is located or how to access it, ask your trusted AC service professional to show you during your next maintenance appointment.

Damaged condenser coils

When air conditioner coils are damaged, the cooling system has to work harder to maintain proper indoor temperatures, which can increase electricity usage and lead to costly repairs. The best way to avoid damage to AC coils is to perform regular maintenance on the air conditioner including cleaning filters regularly, inspecting parts for wear-and-tear and having professionals regularly clean the condenser coils.

Coil damage can be caused by many factors, including corrosion, exposure to harsh chemicals, environmental factors and improper installation. Additionally, physical damage to the coils such as dents and scratches can cause problems with cooling performance.

Corrosion is a common problem that affects air conditioning coils, especially those made of aluminum. The corrosion occurs when the coils are exposed to salt, harsh chemicals and other pollutants in the environment. This corrosion can cause the coils to lose efficiency over time.

Another common cause of air conditioner coil damage is poor maintenance. Coils should be cleaned regularly to remove dust and other contaminants that can damage the coils. Coils should also be kept free of debris, which can block airflow and cause the coils to overheat. In addition, it is important to change out the air filter regularly in order to keep dust and other contaminants away from the coils.

Coil fin damage is also a common problem that can lead to AC coil repair or replacement. Dirty and bent fins prevent warm air from reaching the coils, which can cause overheating and other types of wear-and-tear to the coils. The good news is that damaged coil fins can often be straightened using special “combs” sold for this purpose by companies such as Nova-Tech International.

Other signs of damage to AC coils include increased energy bills and reduced cooling capacity. If you notice these symptoms, call for a professional air conditioning repair right away. They can diagnose the problem and find an effective solution for you. If your AC coils are damaged beyond repair, replacement may be the best option. But be sure to consider alternative options that promote energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.

How Thought Leadership Can Help a Solar Company

Solar Company

Whether you install solar panels yourself or work with a team of specialists, you should have the right insurance to protect your business. Learn about the types of coverage you need.

Ask about pricing escalation in the contract (for PPAs and leases) and net metering incentives, which allow customers to sell excess energy back to their utility company. Visit to learn more.

1. Save Money on Electricity

A solar company’s biggest revenue stream comes from helping homeowners save money on electricity. Many consumers have high-energy bills and are seeking ways to lower them. Switching to solar energy can save households thousands of dollars on their energy costs each year.

Most solar companies will start by conducting a site evaluation of a potential customer’s home and roof to see if they are suitable for a solar energy system. Once they have this information, they can provide a custom solar quote that will include the cost of the system as well as their expected payback period. They will also outline any state or utility incentives they may be eligible for.

Once a homeowner has agreed to the proposal, the solar company will install and maintain the system. They will typically work with financing companies to help make going solar affordable by offering low monthly payments instead of a large upfront fee. Some solar companies will even offer a power purchase agreement (PPA), where they own the solar panels but charge a monthly lease payment or per-kWh fee for the energy they produce.

Electricity rates are increasing annually, making it more important than ever for homes to generate their own power with a solar panel system. A reputable solar company will explain how switching to solar will allow homeowners to lock in their energy costs for years to come and avoid annual utility rate increases.

Many states also have net metering programs that allow solar owners to sell their excess energy back to the grid. This can help them offset their energy use during times of low sunlight or at night when they are not using power.

2. Create a Positive Environmental Impact

When a solar company is committed to sustainability, it can differentiate itself from competitors and attract environmentally conscious customers. Thought leadership, such as sharing valuable content and industry insights, can also help build credibility and trust in potential customers.

Increasing solar energy adoption also means that there is a growing demand for qualified employees in the solar industry. Effective recruitment strategies are essential to ensuring that a solar company has the talent required to drive innovation, operational efficiency and maintain a competitive edge.

Solar companies can attract new, high-quality employees by offering competitive salary packages and incentives for a solar career. They can also offer flexible working arrangements and remote work options to address geographic challenges. They can also partner with educational institutions to provide internships and on-the-job training opportunities.

The solar industry requires a multifaceted workforce with a variety of skills and knowledge. Installers, for example, require a strong understanding of electrical systems and roofing techniques in order to successfully deploy solar projects. Sales professionals, on the other hand, need a thorough comprehension of solar technology to effectively match products with consumer needs. This is why it is important for solar companies to invest in a recruitment strategy that includes education, training, and mentoring programs.

A solar company can also generate quality leads by exhibiting at local trade shows and events. This is a great way to meet potential customers face-to-face and demonstrate the benefits of solar power. It is also a good idea to keep up with local business news, regulations and incentives in order to stay informed and attract qualified leads. Finally, solar companies can leverage paid digital marketing tools to reach new prospects and grow their business.

3. Attract New High-Quality Employees

The need for skilled workers in the solar energy sector is growing rapidly. However, not enough new people are entering the workforce to meet this need. This has impacted job availability and slowed the rate of progress for many companies in the sector.

Recruiting talented employees may require creative tactics. For example, a company might create an industry-wide mentorship program that provides new entrants with skills development and clear pathways to career success. It could also partner with local technical colleges to create training programs tailored to the solar energy industry that would provide students with hands-on experience and a clear pathway to jobs after graduation.

It’s important to have the right team on board to ensure the quality of service your customers expect. You’ll need to have people who know the ins and outs of your product and can answer any questions a customer might have. This includes salespeople, engineers, project managers, and installers. It’s also helpful to have people who are familiar with the nuances of working with your local utility company and who can help guide you through the process.

Field service management software can also alleviate some of the impact of labor shortages by optimizing workflow and scheduling. For instance, Praxedo offers a solution that enables solar businesses to automate routine tasks, reduce the number of technicians required for certain jobs, and improve communication with customers. This mitigates the negative effects of a lack of skilled workers while also enhancing technician productivity and increasing customer satisfaction. Moreover, this solution helps a solar business remain competitive in the market by optimizing operational efficiency and reducing costs. Its key features include real-time monitoring of work order statuses, automated notifications, and a customer portal, all designed to be highly customer-centric in an industry where customer confidence and satisfaction play such a significant role.

4. Increase Job Availability

Solar companies have a unique opportunity to shape the perception of the industry by working with schools and colleges. This could include developing internship programs or partnerships with educational institutions to foster a deeper understanding of solar technologies and career paths for those interested in entering the industry. It also involves establishing a mentorship program to provide new employees with theoretical knowledge and practical experience. This can help reduce customer cancellations and improve overall job efficiencies as new workers are quickly trained and prepared to handle different aspects of the company’s operations.

Investing in solar technology education can help fill the current workforce gap. Public-private partnerships can form to create specialized training that is specifically tailored to the needs of the solar energy industry. This can help reduce the time it takes for new workers to become qualified and can increase the likelihood that people will choose to work in the industry because of its clear pathways for growth and advancement.

Building loyalty for your solar business is crucial to its success, and it starts with providing great customer service. A reputation for high quality leads to more referrals and repeat customers, and it can also shield you from the suspect products sold by competitors. To build loyalty, you can offer discounts or free solar services to loyal customers. You can also communicate with customers through social media, and respond to negative reviews in a timely manner.

Taking advantage of the latest solar software solutions can also mitigate some of the impact of the labor shortage. Field service management software like Praxedo allows solar businesses to optimize workflow, streamline project scheduling, and enhance technician productivity. It also helps you keep track of your customer communications, with automated notifications, project status updates and customer portals.

5. Build Customer Loyalty

Aside from ensuring they’re providing customers with excellent service, solar companies can also build loyalty by developing an effective marketing strategy. They can do this by streamlining their sales processes and implementing tools like a CRM system to manage leads and reduce the cost of customer acquisition (CAC). They can also increase lead quality by using techniques such as SEO, PPC or content marketing to target qualified prospects.

Another way to reduce CAC is to develop a referral program that rewards loyal customers with cash credits they can redeem for additional services. This not only helps lower the cost of acquiring new customers but also provides a good source of organic growth for the business.

Solar companies can also use their reputation to gain new customers by sharing their own success stories and testimonials with potential customers. This helps them connect with potential clients emotionally and creates trust. Additionally, they can provide educational content on solar benefits to educate their audience and add value to their brand.

What You Need to Know About Septic Tank Pumping

Septic tank pumping is an important preventive maintenance service. The frequency of septic tank pumping depends on several factors, including the size of your tank and household water usage.

Septic Tank

Solid waste settles to the bottom of your septic tank, while grease and lighter materials float to the top. Regular pumping helps keep these solids from building up to a critical level, which can cause clogs and system failure. Visit to learn more.

There are a lot of different septic tank sizes and specifications to choose from. The best one for you depends on the size of your home and how many people live in it. You also need to take into account the water usage in the house, such as laundry machines, bathtubs, and dishwashers. The more water you use, the bigger your septic tank needs to be.

The septic tank itself is usually made of concrete, although fiberglass and polyethylene tanks are also available. They are lighter and can be transported more easily to hard-to-reach locations on the property. However, these tanks tend to be smaller than concrete ones and they have a lower capacity.

Septic tanks are designed with tees that extend from the inlet and outlet wastewater pipes to the surface of the sludge layer at the bottom of the tank. These tees prevent solids from making their way to the absorption field and clogging it. This is why it’s important to make sure the tees are always clear of scum and debris.

As liquid waste flows into the septic tank, it falls through the sludge layer and mixes with anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria break down the sewage into a sludgy substance that collects at the bottom of the tank. This sludgy waste is then pumped out of the septic tank into a drain field.

A properly installed septic system cuts pollution, which benefits local plants and wildlife. It can also reduce the need for chemical treatments and other expensive ways to deal with sewage waste. It’s also important to keep in mind that a septic tank does not eliminate the need for routine inspections and pumping. Additives that claim to eliminate the need for routine septic tank pumping can re-suspend solids in the system, which causes them to clog the line to the drain field and lead to system failure.

It’s a good idea to map out the location of your septic tank and other system components with markers or stakes on your property. This will help you avoid damaging the tank and other components when performing yard work or other home maintenance. You should also avoid parking or driving any vehicles or equipment over the septic tank and distribution box.

Septic Tank Design

Septic tanks are underground, watertight containers that treat and dispose of household wastewater. They primarily serve homes that are not connected to centralized sewer systems. Proper tank design is key to ensuring effective sewage treatment. Septic tanks can be constructed from a variety of materials, including concrete, fiberglass and plastic. A tank that is constructed from a durable, corrosion-resistant material will have a longer lifespan than a tank made from less-durable materials.

The most important part of a septic tank is the inlet and outlet pipes. These pipes are essential to separating solid waste from the liquid effluent in the septic tank. The inlet pipe should be sized to reduce the amount of turbulence as wastewater enters and exits the tank. This will help to ensure that the sludge layer does not escape the tank and enters the drain field, where it could cause clogs.

Similarly, the outlet pipe should be sized to limit turbulence as wastewater exits the tank. This will help to prevent scum layers from forming in the drain field and further contaminating the environment. The outlet pipe should also be strategically positioned near the top of the tank, allowing only the clarified effluent to exit.

Inside the tank, baffles are a vital part of septic tank design. These internal walls expertly segregate the wastewater into different settling areas for solids and liquids. The sludge layer settles in the first chamber, while the scum layer rises to the surface of the second chamber. This enables the effluent to be more thoroughly treated by microbes in the soil. Vent pipes are added to allow gases produced during decomposition to escape the tank and prevent pressure buildup.

Once the septic tank is properly designed, it can be installed in the ground. It is important to find an area with good percolation rates to ensure the wastewater will be able to absorb into the soil and groundwater. The septic tank should also be located away from houses, so the wastewater does not contaminate indoor spaces.

Once the wastewater leaves the septic tank, it enters what is called an absorption field or leach field. This is an interconnected network of perforated pipes buried in gravel trenches. The wastewater is then absorbed into the groundwater by bacteria in the soil and grass above.

Septic Tank Maintenance

The liquid waste that comes out of the septic tank after it’s pumped is known as effluent. This water drains into your absorption field and enters the soil where bacteria break it down to a form that is harmless to plants and wildlife. It also enters groundwater where it’s filtered even further by the surrounding soil.

If your septic system doesn’t receive regular pumping, solids will begin to build up in the tank. Over time, they can clog the outlet pipe and prevent wastewater from exiting the tank and reaching the leach field. This is when you’ll begin to see puddles around your home. When this happens, a septic system professional can help you resolve the issue by cleaning the clog or installing a new one.

You should also avoid putting anything other than pee and poo into your septic system. This includes toilet paper, which does not fully break down and can clog the septic tank. Using a sanitary waste basket next to the loo can keep your septic system functioning properly.

A properly sized tank, a well-designed leach field and regular septic tank pumping are essential components of a functional septic system. A septic system that’s designed correctly from the start is less likely to have problems down the road.

When hiring a company to pump your septic tank, make sure they are licensed and insured. They should also be able to inspect your septic tank and your entire septic system to identify any potential problems or issues. They should also be able to perform a percolation test to determine if the drain field is adequately sized and can handle the amount of wastewater your home will produce over time.

It’s a good idea to map out the location of your septic tank and other septic system components so you can locate them easily when you need to have the septic system inspected or pumped. A good way to do this is to place a permanent marker or other easily recognizable item near the location of your septic system. Keeping track of the location of your septic tank and drainfield can prevent you from driving or parking over them, which can harm the system. It can also prevent you from building structures like pools, decks or swimming pools too close to your septic system and drainage fields.

Septic Tank Pumping

Whether or not you live in the country, most homes rely on septic tanks for waste management. The waste that leaves your home is pumped into the septic system and into the tank, which holds the solid wastes while liquid wastewater drains through pipes to the leach field.

Once the liquid wastewater reaches the leach field, it’s treated by soil as it seeps down and disperses into the groundwater supply. The solid wastes that settle in the septic tank become a sludge and float on top of water. Over time, the sludge buildup reduces the amount of space available for new wastewater to enter the tank. This creates a potential problem for the septic system, which can lead to clogged drains and backups. Pumping the septic tank removes the accumulated solid waste and prevents it from reaching a critical level.

The frequency at which you need your septic tank pumped depends on the size of your tank and how many people live in your household. More people using the toilets, showers, and washing machines means more wastewater in the septic tank. Keeping up with a regular pumping schedule can help minimize the cost of having the septic tank pumped.

When you’re ready to have your septic tank pumped, find a reliable service provider who offers tank cleaning and pumping. They’ll send a truck with a large tank and a giant suction hose. The professional will hook up a hose to the tank and open its lid. Once the tank is empty, it will be drained into their truck, which will be transported to a local sewage processing facility where the septic waste will be properly processed and disposed of.

Before they leave, your pumper should inspect the tank and all components of the septic system to make sure everything is in good working order. They’ll also recommend any repairs or maintenance to keep your septic system in good condition.

To avoid getting your septic tank pumped too often, use a septic tank monitoring device to determine when the sludge layer is approaching its maximum thickness. You can purchase septic tank monitoring devices that monitor sludge levels by attaching a seven foot stick to the end with velcro strips, allowing you to measure how thick the sludge is from the scum trap at the surface. Alternatively, you can make your own measuring tool by adhering an 18-24 inch strip of velcro to a seven foot stick and lowering it into the septic tank until it hits the bottom. The sludge will cling to the velcro, letting you know when it’s time to have the septic tank pumped.