Reduce the Cost of Air Conditioning Repair by Troubleshooting the Problem Yourself

Air Conditioning Repair Henderson NV can be a major expense. Fortunately, you can reduce the cost by troubleshooting the problem yourself.


If your AC is making strange noises, smells or is blowing weak air, start by examining the cabin air filter, fan motor and ductwork. Unpleasant odors could indicate mold or bacterial growth.

Coolant is vital for the operation of your air conditioning system. A coolant leak can cause your AC to stop cooling, and you may also experience frost build-up on the evaporator coils. Recharging your air conditioner with refrigerant will help temporarily fix these problems, but it will not solve the underlying problem and may lead to further damage. The best way to resolve a coolant leak is to have your technician perform a full leak search.

Coolants are a mixture of water and antifreeze, which helps prevent the metal parts in your car from overheating. A leaky radiator is the most common source of coolant leaks, but you can also have a leak in one of the many hoses that connect your radiator to other parts of your engine. Hoses and hose connections are often made from rubber, which can deteriorate over time. If you notice a leaking hose, it’s important to have it replaced immediately.

Another common sign of a coolant leak is a spike in the temperature gauge on your dashboard. If your vehicle overheats, it can cause serious and costly engine damage. Pull over immediately if you notice the needle moving rapidly upward on the gauge. You should also check under the hood for steam or puddles of coolant. Coolant has a sweet smell and feels slimy and sticky when touched.

Inspecting your hoses and connections is a simple task that can help you avoid expensive auto repairs. Leaks often occur where hoses meet or attach to other components, so look for signs of cracking or deterioration. Keeping up with your regular maintenance schedule can also prevent these problems.

If your air conditioning unit is old and uses the outdated R-22 refrigerant, it’s a good idea to get a replacement rather than repair it. Newer units are more efficient, and the cost of replacing your air conditioning system will be less than paying for costly coolant repairs down the road.

Some cooling leaks are easy to fix, such as a cracked rubber hose or loose hose connection. However, other leaks require a professional’s touch. Attempting to make your own repairs can damage your air conditioner, void your warranty, and possibly create safety hazards for you and others.

Dirty air filters

The air filter is the AC unit’s primary defense against pollutants and contaminants that can damage its internal components. However, as time goes by, the filter can get clogged with dust and other debris, and it will no longer be able to do its job. This can lead to a wide range of problems, from an ineffective home environment to the need for expensive air conditioning repair.

A clogged filter will allow allergens, such as pollen, mold spores, dander, and germs to build up in your ductwork. They will be recirculated throughout your home each time the AC runs, which can lead to symptoms like itchy eyes and nose.

Dirty filters can also lead to higher energy bills because the system must work harder to keep your home cool. Changing your filter regularly can help reduce power consumption and prevent the need for costly repairs in the future.

Changing your filter is a simple task that can make a huge difference in how your AC works and the indoor quality of your home. By taking a few minutes each month to check and replace the filter, you can save money on utility bills, extend your system’s lifespan, and maintain a healthy home environment for yourself and your family.

One of the most common signs that your air filter needs to be replaced is visible dust around the vents. You can test this by hanging a white sheet a few inches away from the vents. If the sheet turns gray, it’s a sign that the filter is dirty and needs to be replaced right away.

A dirty filter forces your HVAC system to work overtime, which can shorten its lifespan and cause unnecessary wear and tear on system parts. It can also lead to overheating, which can be a dangerous and expensive problem. Changing your air filter is a cheap and easy maintenance task that can protect you from these issues. It’s well worth the little bit of effort it takes to do so!

Dirty evaporator coils

The evaporator coil in your AC system helps the refrigerant cycle through to absorb heat from your home. This is one of the most important parts of your air conditioner and needs to be kept clean at all times. If it becomes dirty, it can cause a variety of problems that affect how well your AC works.

The first sign that your evaporator coil is getting dirty is reduced cooling performance. This is because the accumulated dirt and debris on the coil reduces the surface area available for heat transfer. As a result, your AC has to work harder to cool your home and may end up using more energy than it should.

Another sign that the evaporator coil is dirty is a buildup of condensation on it. This isn’t a good thing as it can block the flow of the refrigerant and eventually lead to your system freezing up. This is a serious problem and should be addressed immediately by turning off your system and calling an emergency HVAC technician.

Other signs that the evaporator coil is dirty include an unusually high indoor humidity level and your AC blowing warm or hot air. This is because the evaporator coil’s job is to remove heat and moisture from your indoor air. When it’s dirty, it can’t do this effectively and your home will feel less cool than usual.

You can help prevent your evaporator coil from becoming dirty by changing the air filters on a regular basis and getting it professionally cleaned on an annual basis. A professional will be able to use specialized cleaning techniques and products to safely and effectively clean the coil without damaging it.

Keeping the evaporator coil in your air conditioning unit clean is essential to maintaining the efficiency of your AC and avoiding expensive repairs in the future. The evaporator coil is located inside your air conditioner near the air handler while the condenser coil is found in the outdoor unit. If you’re unsure where the evaporator coil is located or how to access it, ask your trusted AC service professional to show you during your next maintenance appointment.

Damaged condenser coils

When air conditioner coils are damaged, the cooling system has to work harder to maintain proper indoor temperatures, which can increase electricity usage and lead to costly repairs. The best way to avoid damage to AC coils is to perform regular maintenance on the air conditioner including cleaning filters regularly, inspecting parts for wear-and-tear and having professionals regularly clean the condenser coils.

Coil damage can be caused by many factors, including corrosion, exposure to harsh chemicals, environmental factors and improper installation. Additionally, physical damage to the coils such as dents and scratches can cause problems with cooling performance.

Corrosion is a common problem that affects air conditioning coils, especially those made of aluminum. The corrosion occurs when the coils are exposed to salt, harsh chemicals and other pollutants in the environment. This corrosion can cause the coils to lose efficiency over time.

Another common cause of air conditioner coil damage is poor maintenance. Coils should be cleaned regularly to remove dust and other contaminants that can damage the coils. Coils should also be kept free of debris, which can block airflow and cause the coils to overheat. In addition, it is important to change out the air filter regularly in order to keep dust and other contaminants away from the coils.

Coil fin damage is also a common problem that can lead to AC coil repair or replacement. Dirty and bent fins prevent warm air from reaching the coils, which can cause overheating and other types of wear-and-tear to the coils. The good news is that damaged coil fins can often be straightened using special “combs” sold for this purpose by companies such as Nova-Tech International.

Other signs of damage to AC coils include increased energy bills and reduced cooling capacity. If you notice these symptoms, call for a professional air conditioning repair right away. They can diagnose the problem and find an effective solution for you. If your AC coils are damaged beyond repair, replacement may be the best option. But be sure to consider alternative options that promote energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.